ANGER AS ART Frontman Steve Gaines - "As Soon As I Let Go Of The Lofty Dream Of Wanting To Be A Rock Star Everything Started Happening"

October 11, 2009, 14 years ago

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ANGER AS ART vocalist/guitarist Steve Gaines (left) is featured in a new interview. An excerpt is available below:

Q: It’s been 30 years since your career started and you’ve always stayed true to yourself and the music first. It’s gotta mean more now in a sense than ever before, being able to still do this, do it your own way and to have complete control…

SG: "It does, it really does. And control isn’t necessarily the word I would harp on, it’s more so just the ability to be able to do it. For so many years, and with your industry experience you know this, you see so many bands that are just chasing the deal. And they are willing to change everything that they do because they want that brass ring. I’m guilty of it as well, I remember setting this goal that if it wasn’t going to happen by this such and such date then I just might give up. Well that will never happen. I remember thinking to myself; it was about 10 years ago in 1999, when I realized that the major label deal was never going to happen. Being a star and having big hit singles and being rich, that’s just never going to happen. 'Do you want to quit? No!' I want to do the music I love, the music that makes we want to get up and tear the place part. As soon I let go of the lofty dream of wanting to be a rock star everything started happening. That’s when the ABATTOIR reunion happened, that’s when the BLOODLUST reunion started happening. All the stuff that I used to do that wasn’t going right all of a sudden went right. I was suddenly at age 35 able to start touring which I had never really done before besides in the backseat of a car. And radio play…suddenly there’s radio play and I’m thinking, 'Why is this happening now?' And I realized it’s because I don’t give a damn about the money, all I wanna do is just do what I love. It was the most liberating thing, does that make sense?"

Go to this location for the complete interview.

Steve belting it out

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