BRUCE DICKINSON Among Stars Urging Firms To Sponsor Missing People Phone Line

October 15, 2009, 14 years ago

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Belfast Telegraph reports:

IRON MAIDEN frontman BRUCE DICKINSON, broadcaster Sir Trevor McDonald and actress Helen Baxendale have urged companies to sponsor one of the phone lines run by a missing people's charity.

Missing People, which works to find and safeguard missing people and support their loved ones, wants firms to show their support by sponsoring a phone for £10,000. It has 12 lines available for sponsorship.

The event was hosted by vice-patron Sir Trevor McDonald, at the charity's headquarters in South-west London and was attended by the charity's corporate and celebrity supporters and ambassadors.

Sir Trevor McDonald said: "I am delighted to formally launch Missing People's Sponsor A Phone Campaign.

"Each of these phones really is a life-saving piece of equipment, providing support to some of society's most vulnerable people.

"By sponsoring a Missing People phone for £10,000, companies and individuals can help to ensure that vulnerable people can access crucial support 24 hours a day every day in 2010."

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