Bassist James Lomenzo - "Even Though You Are Going To Unleash The Hounds On A MEGADETH Record, Make Sure Those Hounds Are Well Fed And Groomed"

October 17, 2009, 14 years ago

hot flashes news megadeth

Metal Exiles recently caught up with MEGADETH bassist James Lomenzo to discuss the band's new album, Endgame. An excerpt is available below:

Metal Exiles: What were the thoughts on how Endgame should be before you started the recording process?

James Lomenzo: "Interesting question. When we went into recording Endgame, Dave was pretty explicit on what he wanted to accomplish. On United Abominations we had touched on the vitality of the earlier Megadeth albums and he wanted to take Endgame a little closer to that. Taking into account we are all a little older and our abilities change and our perspectives shift the idea was to reach the goal of pulling out the old Megadeth vibe. A lot of the music on the record was picked off of tapes that Dave had from years ago. We set up a studio in San Marcos, CA called Vic’s Garage and we went through piles of tapes and while digitizing them we peeled off riffs from years ago that we thought would spark what we were trying to accomplish."

"Here is another thing about Dave and I think some people will get this. He has a very delineated way of looking at things. His synapse in my mind occurs with lightning speed. Where as some of us have a southern drawl when it comes to thinking he is always snap snap snap. Everything we do is gone over and quality controlled which he is exceptional at. He goes over everything, he will make sure that the rhythms are where they need to be and I think that is where the control of the chaos goes. The duality of his nature is that he has an erratic side, an angry side and a good natured side but when it comes to Megadeth he understands what that thing is. Even though you are going to unleash the hounds on a Megadeth record make sure those hounds are well fed and groomed."

Go to this location for the complete interview.

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