ADLER'S APPETITE Guitarist Alex Grossi On New Vocalist Rick Stitch - "We Met Him Through A Cattle-Call Audition"

October 19, 2009, 14 years ago

news appetite rock hard adler

ADLER'S APPETITE guitarist Alex Grossi is featured in a new interview with An excerpt from the chat is available below.

CR: I understand that prior to ex-Adler's Appetite singer Tarsha leaving the band that you and him actually had a falling out and came to blows. Would you mind talking at all about any of that?

Grossi: "Not at all. It was really just a case of cabin fever on the tour bus and a lot of shows in a row. Tarsha and I spoke at this past Rocklahoma festival and it's all good. He seems to be much happier doing his own music."

CR: Who is the current lead singer of Adler's Appetite is and how he came to join the band?

Grossi: "Our current singer is Rick Stitch from the Hollywood band LADYJACK. He is a really great guy and fun to be around. We had a lot of laughs on the summer tour. We met him through a cattle-call like audition and within 24 hours we were onstage with him."

Go to this location for the complete interview.

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