MÅNEGARM To Shoot Vetrarmegin Video This Weekend

October 28, 2009, 14 years ago

news life in black negarm

Sweden's MÅNEGARM will record a new video this weekend, for their latest single, Vetrarmegin.

The song is lifted from the upcoming album, Nattväsen” (Night Creatures), which will be released by Regain Records on November 19th.

Says the band, "The video will be filmed on site in a Viking village with an incredible pre-renaissance atmosphere near our hometown, Norrtälje. The Viking village with its amazing surroundings will fit the theme of the video just perfect!!"

The video will be done by Standard Film Team (DARK FUNERAL, PLECTOR, ZONARIA, etc.).The world premiere of the video is expected to be released within the next three-four weeks. Further updates to follow.

'Vetrarmegin' is streaming at the band's official MySpace page.

Says the band: "'Megin' is the force which fills all the elements, man and the gods and it is the potential which gives them their specific potency and opportunity to achieve their provision. The sun exercises its 'solarmegin' on the earth, which in turn has its own 'jordarmegin'. Winter has its raw and wild untamed 'vetrarmegin' - Winter force."

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