LILLIAN AXE Guitarist Steve Blaze - "I Have Started Writing For The Next Album Already And It Feels Intense And Magnetic"

October 31, 2009, 14 years ago

lillian axe news rock hard

Guitarist Steve Blaze from New Orleans hard rockers LILLIAN AXE has issued the following update:

" It's been about foour months since we released Sad Day on Planet Earth and only now are things calming a bit. Sorry we haven't reported since then but it has been a bit hectic. We would like to thank all of the fans across the country who came out and supported us as we trekked from New York to California and all points in between. We met lots of great people and turned on lots of new fans who didn't know we existed till now. It always baffles me how a band can exist for 20 years and still have a lot of rock fans never hear of them. Oh well, at least they have now. We played some great shows, some weird ones, some hot outdoor ones and some amazing ones, all the while busting our tails to spread the word. It was very tiresome but thanks to an amazing crew and manager, the relentless Charlie Bagarozza, we never skipped a beat. We were fortunate enough to be invited by ALICE COOPER and his organization to share the stage again as we did on the Waters Rising tour. Once again, Alice, his band and crew proved to be the class outfit that they were two years ago. We thank them highly for taking such care of us and going the extra mile to make us comfortable and allow us to put on the show we wanted to. I was fortunate to spend the day on the golf course with Alice, Damon Johnson, Chuck Garrick, and Jerry, Alice's assistant and my friend Chris Norch. I spoke with Alice on many topics and he proved to be an amazing, smart and humble human being. He is truly the legend he is recognized as. Not too shabby a golfer either. He tore everyone up. I was smart enough to simply drive the golf cart. Damon, Chuck and Jerry are my new golf buddies and proved to be truly wonderful people as well.

After finishing that run, we are now preparing to play the state fair in Baton Rouge, LA on Halloween night. Then we will be shooting videos for 'MegaSlowFade' and 'Nocturnal Symphony'. I have started writing for the next album already and it feels intense and magnetic. It's great to be home and spending time with my 6 month old Jude, and the rest of the band and crew are resting up for 2010. We plan on hitting the road hard in January-February to support SDOPE. Thanks so much to all of you for your love and support."

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