ONSLAUGHT Arrive In South America

November 5, 2009, 14 years ago

hot flashes news onslaught

Guitarist Nige Rockett from legendary UK thrashers ONSLAUGHT has issued the following road update:

"Well here we are at last on South American soil in Santiago, Chile, we had a bit of a nightmare journey after missing our flight connection in Madrid, no thanks to Iberian Airlines, but we eventually arrived via Peru after 36 hours of traveling.

We were greeted at the airport by our Tour Booker Silvio Rocha, who seems a real cool guy and taken to our Hotel in downtown Santiago to have our first wash in fuck knows how long....and four hours sleep..

Had breakfast with a Tarantula, (un-beknown to me) before we prepare to go and do a little sightseeing ahead of our first show here tonight. We'll keep you all posted on the fun and games as it happens."

Click photo to view Onslaught's South American itinerary.

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