CAGE Singer Sean Peck - "I Think This Is Our First Album That We Found We Were Worthy Of File-Sharing"

November 5, 2009, 14 years ago

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CAGE frontman Sean Peck discussed his opinions on file-sharing with Here is an excerpt from the interview: What’s your opinion of file sharing?

Sean Peck: "Well, when you run a Google search for Science Of Annihilation the first ten listings are free torrent downloads [laughs]. The cool thing about metal is that the metal fans are gonna buy your record if they’re into you. I had at least 20 people in the last four days come up to me when they’re buying the record [and I] go, 'oh you’re really gonna enjoy this,' and they go, 'oh dude, I’ve had it downloaded since the day it came out' or, 'yeah I’ve been listening to it non stop, I just wanted to have one for my collection.' So that’s cool, the hardcore fans are gonna buy the hard copy, they’ll gonna buy the shirt. That’s always been great about metal, man, they wanna freakin represent they wanna support the shit. One of the things that people know about the band is that we put a lot of time and money into the packaging. Our booklets are filled with all kinds of killer artwork and extra shit to read. I remember when I was a kid and I would buy a new CD, if I was really into the band, I’d read like every word on every page. I’d stare at it for hours while the shit was blasting. We take that into account and just pack it full of stuff to look at. Our fans have always really appreciated that when they know they’ve spent their fifteen hard earned bucks, they’ll get a lot of value." That’s smart. So do you think file sharing has helped you get where you are now? Though you’ve been around since 1999.

Sean Peck: "I think this is our first album that we found we were worthy of file-sharing. I could never find an illegal download of us before, so now we’re on the illegal download thing, so we’re like 'yes we made it!' people want to [hear us]."

Check out the entire interview to find out why he thinks Cage’s is doing better unsigned and more at this location.

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