HATE AMMO Looking For Rehearsal Help

November 5, 2009, 14 years ago

hot flashes news hate ammo

Sweden's HATE AMMO - featuring Peder Sundqvist - vocals (ASSAILANT), Ronnie Björnström - guitar (BONE GNAWER), Henke Mikaelsson - guitar (THOSE WHO BRING THE TORTURE), and Morgan Lie - drums (NAGLFAR) - have issued the following update:

"We are now trying to give the younger musicians here in our town Umeå and with some hope Sweden some backup when it comes to rehearsal rooms.

The story goes.

For a long time we have had places after school places where young people between the ages of 13 to 17 can go to hang out. There we have always had rehearsal rooms, pool tables and other kinds of activities.

Now our towns leading heads has decided to drop the rehearsal rooms in one of these places. This of course makes us older musicians very upset. Cuz we don't wanna see the youth of today losing this possibility.

Created by Henrik Mikaelsson and Erik Johansson

Our town has managed to produce bands such as NAGLFAR, NOCTURNAL RITES, MESHUGGAH just to name a few. And its our firm belief that these hideouts is a very big reason why we have due to our small town brought such bands.

Therefore we wanna make sure we protect the few almost free rehearsal rooms we have left, so we can continue to give the youth of today a chance to become what they wanna be.

So therefore I beg you. I know its in Swedish, but just sign your name and town to the right and post."

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