MEGADETH Bassist James Lomenzo - "Barely Enough Time To Breathe... Just The Way I Like It"

November 12, 2009, 14 years ago

hot flashes news megadeth

MEGADETH bassist James Lomenzo has issued the following update:

"Howdy Mega-Brethren and Sisteren (I know, I know...),

I was just sittin' in my little Bass Cave at the house rippin' through some old Megadeth classics, some of this stuff I'd of course heard but hadn't ever played before. Songs like **** ** ***** and *** ********* ah, but why spoil the surprise. I'm really looking forward to getting some of these out of "mothballs" and back on stage for the coming tour along with some of the new stuff from Endgame of course.

Jamming on some of this stuff is really giving me a unique perspective and appreciation for the progression the band has taken over the years. It still leaves me with a sense of awe and pride just to be a part of it.

We've accomplished much over the past 4 years and judging by your responses on the boards, at the LiveLine and especially at the shows, we're doing our past justice and keeping the Megadeth banner flying high! My sincerest thanks to you all!

OK, so I've got a full day coming up tomorrow, one more run through of ** ******* and it's off to spend a little pre-anniversary time with my darling wife.

See you out on the road!"

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