SECRETS OF THE MOON Issue Post Tour Update

November 14, 2009, 14 years ago

news life in black secrets of the moon

Germany's SECRETS OF THE MOON, who recently wrapped a tour in the US with MOONSPELL, have issued the following update from guitarist/vocalist sG:

"After nearly fifty shows we played across this planet I am back home, feeling utterly dead in the most positive sense. The past two months have been an amazing, yet really raw experience for the band - ups and downs, sickness, storm, no calmness. We spent the last month touring North America and Canada with Moonspell and DIVINE HERESY, both bands truly professional and cool guys. We salute them and our fantastic crew (cartel - tourmanager, phil - stagehand, ringo  - bus driver and most important: the amazing Jorge Pina for his massive technical support!).

Moreover we want to thank all the fans (present and future) that we met out there, that believe in what we are doing. It's been groundbreaking experience to meet people on the other side of planet earth so familiar with and dedicated to our music... an excuse to the people in Kansas City and Denver, whose I couldn't bring forth 100% due to the flu that hit me. Actually i don't have any memories from these shows besides for lying dead in my bunk.

What is to come until the end of the year? Nothing but creating music. A new album is already in the making, too many ideas storm our minds these days.

We'll be back with another European tour in spring 2010, heading out to some countries we've never brought our sickness before. Watch out!"

Secrets Of The Moon recently released their first full-length in over three years called Privilegivm.

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