ANGER AS ART Drummer Rob Alaniz - "We Were All Shocked At The Immediate Chemistry We Had"

November 14, 2009, 14 years ago

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ANGER AS ART drummer Rob Alaniz is featured in a new interview on the band's official MySpace page. An excerpt is available below.

Q: You have been around metal for a while. First coming to light as the drummer for the legendary EVIL DEAD, then playing for numerous bands including NOCTUARY, WINTERTHRALL, DESPISE YOU, ABATTOIR and many others. How did you end up playing drums for Anger As Art?

Alaniz: "I'd been a huge fan of Abattoir with Gaines for years, and this past April I met Steve Gaines formally when we started rehearsals for the Abattoir European tour. He basically asked me to help out in the studio after we got back from the tour. I agreed and after I heard the songs, I figured I could bring something to the table, my own stamp if you will. I'm super happy I did it as it was probably the easiest most stress- free recording I've experienced so far. These guys are awesome musicians and we get on really well. I'm very proud of what we have captured on Disfigure.

Q: The story goes that when you came into the band, you approached the songs in a way that seemed to free them up to breathe. What was your approach, and was it difficult to make the songs your own?

Alaniz: "Not at all. As a matter of fact, things fell together quite quickly! We were all shocked at the immediate chemistry we had. All that was needed at that point was to capture it on tape. As for my apporach, I look at it like this: I play for the song, and if it means I stand back and nail the fucker down, then so be it. I am a firm believer in the 'less is more' approach to songwriting. So that if I ever do go out on a limb with a fill or whatever, it adds to the song instead of shining a light on me. Songs are the most important thing at the end of the day for me, not how many rad swiss triplets I could cram in there..."

Go to this location for the complete interview.

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