Update: Pyromania, Hysteria Artist Andie Airfix Posts First DEF LEPPARD Blog

November 20, 2009, 14 years ago

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For the past few months, Andie Airfix (responsible for DEF LEPPARD's iconic album covers of Pyromania, Hysteria, Adrenalize and Euphoria, as well as most artwork used for single releases of those albums) has been keeping a blog called 'B*b G#ld*f Stole My Sunglasses?, in which he tells stories about his work, the artists he works with, and everything that comes with it.

Andie has now put up the first episode of his Def Leppard stories. Here's an excerpt:

"Where to start - the music, the rock 'n' roll stories, the band's unswerving loyalty to Rick Allen, drunk with Steve Clark in Chelsea, the artwork, meeting the band in Ibiza, touring, watching Spinal Tap'with them all (hilarious), diamonds in Dublin's Cartier, the 'Terrible Twins'? I guess I'll just dive in and see where memories lead me - I did promise 'diamonds in Dublin' so I'll definitely get there this time.

I did remember something that happened a few years ago which catapulted me dramatically back to the very early days working with the band. I can't remember exactly when it was but I know it was the first time I'd met up with the band since an event which radically changed the political world we now live in.

I met Joe first and he said, 'It's really weird Andie - when 9/11 happened…' 'I know,' I said, 'I thought the same as soon as I saw it.' 'Pyromania', we both said in unison."

Read more at this location.

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