LITA FORD On Comeback - "At Certain Times It’s Felt Like We’re In A Totally New Environment"

November 22, 2009, 14 years ago

news lita ford rock hard

Comeback rocker Lita Ford and her husband / former NITRO vocalist Jim Gillette are featured in a new interview with Norway's Metal Express Radio. An excerpt is available below.

MER: You both have been out of the music scene for a long time by industry calendars. What do you feel has changed now that you’re back in circulation?

Jim: "A better question is probably what has stayed the same (both Jim and Lita laugh). Really, almost nothing is the same as what we remember and were accustomed to. Things in the industry always change quickly, and we expected that, but from how you record an album, to how you distribute it, to how you promote it, to how you support it on the road … just about ALL of that has changed."

Lita: "Some of those changes are good, and for our situation a lot of those changes made it possible for Jim and me to even consider the possibilities of getting back into the scene. Still, at certain times it’s felt like we’re in a totally new environment that we were never a part of in the first place. But, it’s still a lot of fun and we’re glad about the opportunity."

Go to this location for the complete interview.

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