DIVINITY DESTROYED To Perform Last Show In December

November 22, 2009, 14 years ago

hot flashes news divinity destroyed

New Jersey-based progressive metallers DIVINITY DESTROYED have issued the following update:

"Saturday, December 19th is in fact going to be Divinity Destroyed's last show (unless we decide to throw something together for kicks in a year or three). And Saturday, December 19th will in fact play host to not one but two reunions.

Original drummer and founding member of Divinity, Daniel Vincent Maximus Leonard, will be returning to play us out in style. If you haven't seen us play a live show with Dan yet, well then...you haven't seen us play a live show with Dan yet.

No games this time. Print and hang this bastard everywhere. Divinitys last show...

Also, and this is just straight up fuckin' cool, Beyond the Flesh will be reuniting, joining Divinity in the live swan song. Flesh has always been our brother band, toured with them, recorded with them, and there's no better way to go out than like this.

More news will be filtering in, more so as the show date nears. But, in the meantime, if you want to help promote this and get word out, print and hang these flyers up everywhere possible - a full page flyer and quarter page flyers. These just have Tom on them but, because we're cute like that, we'll be making more, one with every member. One with every member's member."

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