CONCEPT OF TIME Introduce New Band Members, Resume Work On New Album

November 22, 2009, 14 years ago

hot flashes news concept of time

Scotland's CONCEPT OF TIME have issued the following update:

"It is with a great amount of joy we are able to announce the fact that we have a full line up again, we have added a second guitarist (as intended) and also we managed to find a new keyboardist with the skill required. First of all on guitar we have recruited Andrew Thomson and after just one practice we settled on this decision with no problems. And on Keyboards we have recruited Jaime Cross of BURNING EARTH and ALBA GU BRATH.

Now for a general update on progress. Hopefully we will be back gigging sharpish now that we have a full line up again

and because of a few distractions we have had to put off working on the new CD so we should be able to get working on that ASAP. At very least, we will get the new song 'Visions' up online soon so you can all get an idea of what is to come.

Anyway, I should suspect that future updates will be more swift and plentyful than in the last few months, and I thank everyone for their support in these hard times that are now hopefully over."

Thanks from Myself, Phil, Alan, Jaime and Andy,

Concept of Time

Andrew Thomson comments: "I'm very excited to be a part of Concept Of Time, and after over two years away from playing music and a string of bad luck, I'd like to thank the guys for inviting me into the band. It's great to be finally working with a group of musicians who are as focused and determined as myself. 2010 should be an interesting year."

Jaime Cross has issued the following statement: "Quite a few people know about Tom and I butting heads from time to time, but after being asked to try out for the band and actually talking to him properly we cleared our differences quickly and now get on pretty well! The new direction that Concept of Time is taking struck a chord with me, and after the practice session I was offered the position. And that, as they say, is that! So now I look forward to the various musical adventures that the band will have."

Click here for information and audio samples.

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