HELIX - Canadian East Coast Tour Recap Available, Video Footage Online

November 29, 2009, 14 years ago

news rock hard helix

HELIX frontman Brian Vollmer has checked in with a recap of the band's recent Canadian East Coast tour and news on a review of new album Vagabond Bones in the Toronto Sun. Video footage from the tour is also available.

Vollmer: "Our last trip to the Maritimes (aside from the release of the Trailer Park Boy’s movie premiere Countdown To Liquor Day) was in the late summer of 2008. We were just itching to get out and at it, not knowing quite what to expect. (Incidentally, our backup band throughout the tour was the band TYME from Windsor. Great bunch of guys-we had a blast together).

We left Planet Helix at around 3:30A.M. Tuesday morning and by 4:30 we were pulling out of Brent’s in Kitchener. We met Daryl and Fritz on the highway and by 6A.M. we were at the ferry at the end of Bathurst Street in Toronto boarding the ferry for the Island airport. At 11:05 we landed in Halifax, Nova Scotia and were picked up by “Limo Jim” and driven to downtown Dartmouth to pick up our rental vehicle. It was a little over five hours from there to our first date at the Three Mile Entertainment Centre in St. John, New Brunswick. Immediately upon arriving in town we headed for our hotel to clean up, and from there to the club where we met up with contest winners from Big John Radio for supper. The taxi drivers told us we were the busiest place in town that night. Nearly 24 hours after we had gotten up we finally hit the sack, after our first successful night of the tour."

Go to this location for the complete report.

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