DEF LEPPARD Artist Andie Airfix Post Part 3 Of B*b G#ld*f Stole My Sunglasses? Blog

December 4, 2009, 14 years ago

news rock hard def leppard

For the past few months, Andie Airfix (responsible for DEF LEPPARD's iconic album covers of Pyromania, Hysteria, Adrenalize and Euphoria, as well as most artwork used for single releases of those albums) has been keeping a blog called 'B*b G#ld*f Stole My Sunglasses?, in which he tells stories about his work, the artists he works with, and everything that comes with it.

Part 3 is now available. The following is an excerpt:

"Blog responses were brilliant and very interesting. So many of you enjoyed seeing the original print-ready artwork – so there’ll be more of that later – and also requests from fans for an exhibition of that stuff has made me take the idea more seriously.

What a discerning bunch Def Leppard fans are. I also realized, out of all the comments and e-mails I’ve received over the last couple of weeks, more than half of them were from female fans. Def Leppard have a huge fan base of women – rock was no longer a boy’s-only territory. Sure, there were female followers of other bands in the 80’s and earlier but Def Leppard’s appeal was broader and intelligent enough to include many more."

Read more at this location.

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