NIKKI SIXX Issues Extensive Update - "The New SIXX A.M. Music Is Slowly Coming Along, MÖTLEY CRÜE Is Like A Zombie That Won't Die"

December 13, 2009, 14 years ago

news sixx rock hard nikki sixx tley cr

MÖTLEY CRÜE / SIXX A.M.'s Nikki Sixx has checked in with the following update:

"Happy holidays to everybody,

Not much to update from me ( ok, I am lying) but I thought I should keep some of you in the loop. I admit to slacking on internet communication, sorry I've been head down into creativity and life lately.

Been knee deep in chemicals in my studio darkroom as ive been working with a wonderful photographer Named Luther Garlach. He has been teaching me the magic of 'wet plate'. I have been shooting on glass and recently on tin, exposing thru natural light or UV intense artificial light at Funny Farm. So many chemicals, so much to learn…so exciting…

Katherine says I have found what I've been looking for in photography. She is right but that doesn’t mean I have abandoned my digital or film approach. I actually feel like I am just getting started on multiple fronts. I am toying with some ideas but for now I am allowing them to brew in my brain and not announce anything.

The new Sixx A.M. music is slowly coming along. It's hard to talk up your music without sounding like your pre-selling it. I think it will be best for you to just hear it; it will be completely different yet very familiar to your ears, but honestly, I can't wait for you to hear it.

The music room at the Covenant House is up and running (some of you know this as Running Wild In The Night). Between the sales from The Heroin Diaries and your contributions we have raised hundreds and hundreds of thousands of dollars and the money is really going to good use. Thank you so much. Especially at this time of year. The kids tell me all the time what a difference this is making in there lives.

Kelly Gray had a great idea to tie in our clothing line (Royal Underground) and we have raised so much money and awareness with that as well. I am really proud of the clothing line. We keep getting stronger and stronger as we refine our looks. Kelly kicks ass.

Yes, I am doing a radio show (Sixx Sense) and it's gonna blow your mind. I feel so at home on the radio and there are some major things coming your way. I cannot wait for you to hear (and see) it.

Excited to be off the road, home with my kids and Katherine. We have a few shows here and there but nothing really till 2011 and that’s just fine by me. Mötley Crüe is like a zombie that wont die, but even monsters need there sleep."

See ya soon,

Nikki Sixx

P.S.: "Have you heard the new MUSE album? Me and Katherine are obsessed with it They deserve to be one of the biggest bands in the world. Insane music and ridicules amounts of talent and heart in that band. Go buy their album."

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