WARMACHINE Frontman Guests On UK's Night Of The Fallen Angel Radio Today

December 21, 2009, 14 years ago

hot flashes news warmachine uk

WARMACHINE frontman Joe Di Taranto will be DJ Kayleigh's featured guest on UK-based radio show Night Of The Fallen Angel today (December 22nd) at 5:00pm EST. To tune in go to this location.

Warmachine were recently confirmed for the 2010 edition of the Headbangers Open Air festival, set to take place in July 29th - 31st in Brande-Hörnerkirchen, Germany. Confirmed acts for the bill now include: AMULANCE, ANVIL CHORUS, ASKA, BATTLEAXE, BLOODFEAST, CIRITH UNGOL, CULPRIT, DER KAISER, ICON, JAG PANZER, JAMESON RAID, MEKONG DELTA, NOT FRAGILE, OMEN, RAVEN, ROCK GODDESS, ROXXCALIBUR, TRENCH HELL, VIRGIN STEELE, WARBRINGER, WARMACHINE, WOLF.

Further festival details can be found at this location.

As previously reported, Di Taranto recently spoke to Tina Wilson of HMTV Canada Ezine. An excerpt from the interview is available below.

Q: If the band had the chance to play live anywhere in the world what country would they like to tour and why?

JD: "I think either Italy or Germany would be a real treat for us. We’ve got a lot of fans over there and haven’t had a chance to make it down there quite yet. We plan on touring Europe hopefully in 2010 though. Anywhere in Europe would be awesome to play honestly, as that was really the first place that really embraced Warmachine."

Go to this location for the complete interview

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