SUPREME PAIN - Name New Bassist

December 28, 2009, 14 years ago

hot flashes news supreme pain

Holland's SUPREME PAIN has issued the following update:

"We are proud to announce our new bass player Alesa Sare.

Tadej Cholewa could not combine his work with playing in Supreme Pain anymore. The fact that he also lives in Slovenia and that he has to travel to Netherlands for gigs was in the end to much to combine with his job. We had a good time with Tadej, he is a cool guy and a great bass player and did a good job on the Nemesis Enforcer CD. So we wish him all the best in the future.

So we had to get a new bass player and the best choice was Alesa. She already played a few gigs as stand in for Tadej and she did a superb job. And our last gig as headliner at the Ear Terror Fest in Emden was a killer so we asked her if she wanted to be part of the Supreme Pain family of brutallity as a full member. So from now on Alesa Sare is our new bass player."

Supreme Pain's next show is scheduled for April 17th at The Elektrowerkz in London, England.

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