ENTHRONED - Complete Tracklist For New Album Revealed, Release Party In Brussels Announced

January 1, 2010, 14 years ago

enthroned news life in black

Belgian black-metal masters ENTHRONED recently announced the completion of their new album, Pentagrammaton. The tracklist (in no particular order) is as follows:

'In Missi Solemnibvs'

'Ornament of Grace'

'Rion Riorrim'

'The Vitalized Shell'

'Magnvs Princeps Leopardi'


'The Essential Chaos'

'Ad Te Clamamvs Exsvles Morvua Liberi'


'Unconscious Minds'


The album will be available at the Pentagrammaton release celebration two weeks before any shop, distro, etc. which will take place on March 5th 2010 at Le Nouveau Magasin 4 in Brussels. Go to this location for directions to the venue.

As previously reported, Enthroned's Nornagest (prayers, guitar) recently issued the following update:

"The recording session of our 8th album is done!!

We are very satisfied of how Pentagrammaton turned out; the final result of the album is exactly what we wanted to achieve: an album which can be best situated between our last offering Tetra Karcist and Enthroned cult album Towards The SkullthroneOf Satan, yet adding some new elements as usual.

The whole concept of Pentagrammaton deals with direct approach: the sound is warmer than Tetra Karcist, natural drums, heavy guitars for ab lyrical concept based on lived experiences and facts, somehow something very personal lets say!

After some listening sessions where some musicians and fans were invited, the general opinion is as follow:

'This next opus is more extreme, surprising, dark and filthy! Phorgath prooves his talent as producer and has nothing to envy with well known producers around. The sound is wider, more opressing and definitely fitting Enthroned's Pentagrammaton, for sure one of 2010 best black metal releases is on its way.'

We would like to thanx Vekhtor (Voidcom/ N.E.O.), KJ (Goat Torment) and all the persons present then for their honest comments and help.

So shall we all be Divine!!"

Pentagrammaton will be released via Regain Records in early 2010. Further updates to follow. More on Enthroned at this location.

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