DAVID SHANKLE Offering Online Guitar Lessons

January 5, 2010, 14 years ago

news david shankle riff notes

DAVID SHANKLE GROUP / ex-MANOWAR guitarist David Shankle has issued the following message:

"OK, it is up and running. David Shankle is now doing online video guitar lessons for all who can play or not. Whatever you need you can get it all from the master shred demon. Be all you can be and just go for it."

Further details at this location.

The David Shankle Group's manager John Pettigrass recently issued the following press release:

Chicago, IL power metal vocalist Warren Halvarson has joined the David Shankle Group (DSG) to immediately begin work on the much anticipated third DSG album, planned for release sometime in 2010.

Warren is one the foremost singers in the Chicago metal scene and has worked with and played with many prominent national & local recording artists including: Johnny Monaco (ENUFF ZNUFF), Jason Ward (FLOTSAM & JETSAM), Michael Posch (RADAKKA, PAMELA MOORE BAND), Mike Garrett (ZOETROPE, SUPERMERCADO) and now David Shankle (formerly of MANOWAR). Warren is thoroughly delighted to be working in DSG and promises to deliver a sonic assault that will be second to none and guaranteed to please the most discerning metal fans!"

More details with regards to the forthcoming album will be revealed soon.

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