RONNIE JAMES DIO - Undergoes Third Chemo Treatment

January 13, 2010, 14 years ago

hot flashes news ronnie james dio

In November, legendary metal singer RONNIE JAMES DIO (DIO, HEAVEN & HELL, ex-BLACK SABBATH, RAINBOW) was diagnosed with the early stages of stomach cancer. His wife Wendy has issued the following update:

"After a few hiccups between Christmas and New Year’s, such as a blood clot, a trip to the emergency room, and a three day stay at the hospital, we had a quiet holiday spent with family and close friends. Ronnie and I just returned from Houston, where Ronnie had his third chemo treatment, and all seems to be going well. Ronnie and Simon Wright went to see Avatar, which he thought was amazing! He has also been writing more chapters for his book.

While at M.D. Anderson Cancer Centre on his second trip, he met a Dio fan named Carmen who has been having treatment every other day for a year, and is eagerly awaiting a bone marrow transplant. Ronnie and Carmen have become fast friends. Carmen is a very positive happy person whose existence, like Ronnie’s, depends heavily on music and sports. On the third trip, we also met his mom and sister, whose total support is so important to all cancer patients. They have become part of our family as well.

The support we get from all of our friends and fans is such a blessing to Ronnie and I. Ronnie, Geezer, Tony and Vinny will be doing some interviews in the upcoming weeks to be included in the new 30th anniversary Heaven And Hell DVD due out sometime this year.

We would like to thank Simon Wright, who has been such a help with everything and a good, good friend, of course our doctor at MD Anderson, Dr. Ajani, and especially our family doctor, Dr. Sandeep Kapoor, without whose quick diagnosis and help with all the nurses and hospitals, we would be lost. His care and compassion is unwavering.

Thanks again to all of Ronnie’s friends and fans, and - by the way - Ronnie has not lost any hair yet!"

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