Former SAGA Frontman Michael Sadler Issues Update On New DVD, Upcoming Performances And Projects

January 19, 2010, 14 years ago

hot flashes news saga dvd

Former SAGA frontman Michael Sadler has checked in with the following update:

"Happy new year everyone!

I can’t believe how fast time has flown! Seren is now nearly 2 years old and my life, our life, has not been the same on so many levels. Fatherhood has been an absolute dream come true and the joy my son brings to our family is beyond explanation.

On the flip side, Gwen has been very ill since her pregnancy and has been literally homebound, nearly everyday, since. Although she’s been diagnosed with a couple of diseases, she is going through multiple chronic symptoms with unknown cause.

Adding to this, we just received some very bad news from her doctor (I’ll explain later). At this time, we cannot expect any immediate resolution to her health problems. All we can do now is to continue hoping for the best and pray that she will one day be better.

Having said this, I am facing my own personal challenges as caretaker, father and working musician. I have never gone through anything like this in my life and it has really taken a huge toll on me. I thankfully have my music, which helps me during the most challenging days. I would like to thank every one of you that have supported me, us, through all this. At this point, there is not much I can do to change certain things, but I am determined to at least try.

On a happier note, I’d like to begin the New Year by sharing some news about the Clear DVD. Many of you have been asking about this and to be perfectly candid, Gwen’s illness really had a lot to do with the delays. Although we had the film in the can and were nearly 95% finished, we never completed the final package. Being a bit of a perfectionist, I did not want to rush the job and put out a product that wasn’t exactly the way I wanted.

Well, it turns out that a compromise is available. Since we opened our online store, we now have the capability of selling Digital Goods. So, I’ve decided to release the video of Clear as a download!

The double set, DVD/Live CD package with booklet and extras, will have to wait a while longer. We will post a notice about this in the next few days and will be offering a discount to our forum and mailing list members. Although not everyone will be able to enjoy this, I hope you understand that this is the best I have to offer at this time.

In other music news...

I have been invited back by my ORSO family! I shall be with them at a very special evening in Berlin on March 19. I’m anxiously looking forward to this evening. Once you read about the venue, you’ll understand why.

Please check here for the details

Coincidentally, while there, I’ve also been invited by a new group of friends to perform with them. This is completely new! Something that I’ve never done before - I’ll be posting complete info in a little while.

As if that were not enough, yet a 3rd invitation has just come in from friends that I played with last year! It’s really funny that these shows are scheduled so close to each other. I am very excited and hope that I can work out all the details soon. It looks like I’ll be literally running around Germany for a few days :)

Meanwhile, in California, I’m still working on PSYCHIC FOR RADIOS every chance I get. I’ve also been invited back for another ROSWELL SIX Project. (details available in the future).

So, that’s all for now, thanks again for your interest in my crazy life - you don’t know just how much I appreciate that you care about me and my family.

I wish you all a wonderful new year and hope for your health, happiness and prosperity."

As always,


For information on Sadler and his releases go to this location.

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