February 8, 2010, 14 years ago

hot flashes news anneke van giersbergen

ANNEKE VAN GIERSBERGEN (ex-The GATHERING, AGUA DE ANNIQUE) has issued the following update:

"It's Monday. I'm tired but happy after three wonderful shows in a row. A real positive vibe is surrounding these Dutch gigs up till now and all of us are enjoying ourselves immensely.

THE SECRET LOVE PARADE and EARLY ADOPTERS have proven themselves to be great opening acts and super nice people.

This series of gigs got off to a great start! Do come and check us out in the coming weeks, so we will continue to have nice crowds like this and have a good time together with you, our beloved audience. Check out the events page for more info.

Band members...

As you can possibly tell: I love working on different projects. It keeps you fresh and because of those different creative energies I always end up going back to Agua de Annique with new ideas. That's why I encourage the guys in my band to do the same. I like the fact that they all write their own stuff (and therefore put up with my dictorial regime without any grumbling, haha).

Jacques and Rob landed the incredibly cool gig of backing up former KYUSS singer JOHN GARCIA. They will tour Europe this spring with a great set consisting of Kyuss songs. I've heard them rehearse at our place and I can tell you that it's going to be smashing! I recruited a very talented rhythm section to replace them between mid-May and mid-June.

My beloved guitarplayer/singer Joris will take parental leave within the next few months. He and his wife Jente are expecting twins(!), so he will be spending more time with his family instead of getting in & oud of rehearsal rooms, vans and venues.

His spot will be temporarily vacant this spring/early summer and although I already have some players in mind: if you think that you would be a good candidate, please send an YouTube URL to, so we can hear & see you play.


- must live in the Netherlands or near the Dutch border (sorry talented peeps from abroad, it wouldn't be practical to book a flight every time we need to rehearse)
- must be well experienced in various musical outfits varying from heavy rock to indie-pop ballads.
- must be able to sing backing vocals
- must have a good stage presence
- must be available on some weekdays as well

I don't expect you to quit your other projects, since this is basically a temporary job, but being an AdA-member will be a time consuming thing and you'll have to be able to travel abroad, so you better overcome your fear of flying as well ;-)

I wasn't actually looking for a keyboard player, but since we are setting up auditions anyway, don't hesitate to contact me if you would be interested. Requirements are more or less the same as for a guitar player. Please note that keyboard parts in AdA are sometimes essential and prominent, but all about sound & feel. So if racing up and down them keys is your thing, please look further.

Hope to hear from you guys & girls."

More info at this location.

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