FREEDOM CALL Drummer/Founding Member Dan Zimmermann Steps Down

February 12, 2010, 14 years ago

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In an exclusive interview with Greece's Rockpages (which will be shortly published), Dan Zimmermann, GAMMA RAY drummer and founding member of FREEDOM CALL revealed that he decided to step down from his Freedom Call drum stool due to a conflicting schedule with Gamma Ray.

Freedom Call has already found his replacement and an announcement will be made in time. Stay tuned for further updates.

Gamma Ray / Freedom call webmaster Squeak has issued the following update:

"Hey everyone!

Gamma Ray are now on their tour with Freedom Call and Secret Sphere in Europe!

For those of you who are following Freedom Call as well [I mean hey, Daniel Zimmermann is also drumming in FC] ... I have now made a new official Freedom Call MySpace profile last week. It is in the very beginning stages, so it doesn't have a lot of photos or songs yet, but at least it's up to date and has the tour dates on it. =)

If you would like to join the profile, go here. All other Freedom Call band profiles are not official!!

Hope to see some of you fans on that profile as well!"

Freedom Call released their new album, Legend Of The Shadowking, on February 1st via SPV/Steamhammer. A trailer for the album can be viewed at this location.

All 14 songs are based on the story of King Ludwig II. The tracklisting:

'Out Of The Ruins'

'Thunder God'

'Tears Of Babylon'

'Merlin – Legend Of The Past'

'Resurrection Day'

'Under The Spell Of The Moon'

'Dark Obsession'

'The Darkness'


'Ludwig II – Prologue'

'The Shadowking'

'Merlin – Requiem'

'Kingdom Of Madness'

'A Perfect Day'

Drummer Dan Zimmermann has issued the following track-by-track description:

'Resurrection Day'

"At one point King Ludwig devoted himself fully to the development of his castles and palaces. They would become his life.

In his fantasy he constantly thought of new edifices and also had thoseplans executed. He created his own monuments and made himself immortal to posterity. But with all that done, did he find his peace? Was his soul really free after his death? A classy Freedom Call power song, melodic, expressive and full of positive energy, as it can't get any better."

'Thunder God'

"A war breaks out between Prussian and France. King Ludwig II unwillingly engages, although he has better things to do then leading wars. But because of the confederation agreement from 1866, the Bavarian troupes have to march in. When finally Napoleon III gets imprisoned during the battle in Sedan, the war is won. The German empire emerges under the leadership of the Prussians. A classy Freedom Call song, medium speed, comparable to Warriors."

'Tears Of Babylon'

"The myth about Babylon was always related to fantasies about the Occident. By christianity it was accused as a place of fornication and lust. In reality, science, art and culture were blooming here. A compact and catchy song full of melancholic melodies. Accompanied by a heavy rolling rhythm, it builds a foundation for a hymn like powerful chorus immersed by the sound of brass instruments which support the main topic of the entire song."


"Another compact, Freedom Call typical high speed attack. Those lyrics question; is the only intention of human existence to destroy and exploit nature and eventually human mankind itself? Is that the concern of humans? Or is this all just a gigantic experiment? Is this all planned and arranged?"

'Under The Spell Of The Moon'

"While Ludwig is aging, it became unbearable for him to deal with society and sometimes even close relatives weren't allowed to see him. The kings life flourished at night, he loved it's magic and solitude. His romantic nature was enchanted by the moonlight and the moon landscapes. Here he could completely indulge in his dream world. An extremely groovy, spherical and medium speed song, full of melancholy and dark passion."

'The Darkness'

"June 13th, 1886: The veil is falling. Darkness spreads across the world. Tears and sorrow everywhere. Ludwig II, King of Bavaria's soul is leaving the shadow world and enters the light on his way to his last paradise. Diversified, uncompromisingly Heavy Metal song with modern sound and groove."

'Merlin – Requiem'

"Merlin the magician, druid, immortal and keeper of a kingdom that he created himself, originally from the mystical and pre-christian times of the celtic era, the result of the unification of a succubus and a human being, equipped with magic skills. Which fantasy fan doesn't know him? He was wise,foretold the future and was all knowing. Despite all his wisdom his love to the lady of the lake broke his neck. Yeah yeah... always the women! And as we all know: love is blinding; she tricked him and captured him with a spell - magic which she acquired from the master himself beforehand. Sometimes too much knowledge can be in the way, one gets big-headed and careless, looses control of the simplest mechanisms of life. Typical epic Freedom Call speed hymn. The beginning is very balladic, emotional and full of melancholic, increasingly taken over by an explosion of impulsive double bass rhythm."

'Dark Obsession'

"The fairy world, which Richard Wagner created with his compositions, was an island of bliss for Ludwig II and was the source of their unique relationship. Here - far away from the bitter reality called life - he felt free and at ease. He saw himself as a part of this world and became revitalized by it. Passion grew in him, inspired him and gave him authenticity. He was very grateful towards Richard Wagner and felt in a loving intellectually way connected to him. After Wagner turns him away everything fell apart. He was deeply disappointed and hurt. What was left were memories and loneliness. Ludwig more and more contemplated about ending his life as his last way out. A lot of descendants of royal european families thought this way during turning points. A very diversified, dramatic song with dark moods. Fast double bass passages alternate with heavy progressive rhythms and melodies."

'Out Of The Ruins'

"King Ludwig saw himself as a king of gods mercy, unrestrained and sovereign. With self-esteem he saw himself as the center of the universe. But also the king could not escape the turn of time. He realized, that the times of the kings extinguished and saw his power vanish. With the establishment of the of the German Empire in 1871 under the leadership of Prussia, Bavaria loses its independence which they had for centuries. Ludwig did not want to see that happening and began more and more to hide behind the solitude of the mountains which he loved so much. There he could dwell in his dream world and embrace his power over his magic kingdom. Fast, melodic double bass speed hymn as known by Freedom Call."

'Ludwig II – Prologue'

"Throughout his life King Ludwig II. hated reality. Politics didn't interest him and was of disgust to him. When he increasingly got lost in his dream world and the outrageous expenses for the constructions of his castles drew his nation into poverty, his ministers and relatives doubted his leadership abilities. They finally decided to disempower him. At that time that wasn't easy to do. Without further examinations he was declared "paranoid" by a group of psychiatrists. That was insufferable for him and he wanted to kill himself, but he got arrested and taken to castle Schloss Berg at the Starnberger See lake. That's where he died a few days later. All the witnesses who would have had evidence of a homicide were kept silent in a certain cruel way, or they mysteriously passed away. Therefore his tragical end will forever remain a secret. A strong impulsive song with triplet shuffle groove, progressive elements and sad melancholic basic moods, which convincingly express the wide horizon of the band's style."

'Kingdom Of Madness'

"King Ludwig was also known as MoonKing. At full moon he had the strange habit of driving in a horse carriage through the wintry mountain roads of the alps for hours at night. That of course was very much to his servants disappointment. In their opinion he seemed to be quite nuts. A straight rock song without compromise or twist."

'A Perfect Day'

"There are days in life where everything is going alright. You're on the fast lane and nobody can stop you. You scored the perfect day! A very raw, base based Rock n Roll take off song with poking elements and a positive basic mood which gets to the point real quick. With the driving force of the drum beat and the scrumming guitars and a refrain that stays on your mind, this song characterizes a hit."

A new "jingle" for the album can be heard below:


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