SCARPOINT's Erik Thyselius To Fill In For DEAD BY APRIL Drummer In Sweden

February 15, 2010, 14 years ago

hot flashes news scarpoint dead by april

SCARPOINT drummer Erik Thyselius (ex-CONSTRUCDEAD) has posted the following update:

"Hey fuckers!!

So as I promised last week I have some interesting news. I will be filling in for Alex (Svenningson) in DEAD BY APRIL on their upcoming gig the 27th of February in Sälen, Sweden.

It's gonna be a blast to do this and it's gonna be really fun to party with our boys from DBA again. So if you are in Sälen that weekend come and see the show and have a drink with me!

Hope to see you there and stay twisted fuckers!!"

Erik recently posted songs from the Scarpoint's forthcoming album, The Mask Of Sanity, on their newly designed MySpace page. Go to here to check out the tracks 'Only Truth' and 'The Extinct'.

Scarpoint recorded their new album at Stockholm's Fear & Loathing Studio (owned by members of MESHUGGAH and CLAWFINGER). The CD is tentatively due in early 2010, details will be revealed soon.

Further updates to follow. More on Scarpoint at this location.

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