TED NUGENT For Michigan Governor?

February 18, 2010, 14 years ago

news rock hard ted nugent

Deb Price from Detnews.com is reporting:

The Motor City Madman has his sights set on Lansing, but as an observer, not a candidate.

The rock icon and avowed conservative is the subject of a Facebook page promoting him for office. The TED NUGENT For Michigan Governor page has more than 38,700 fans - and counting.

Nugent said he's not behind the grassroots page and he isn't running - though he believes he could win if he did.

"Concerned Michigan residents are so at a loss they can't find anybody in the state to vote for - that's how bad it is," Nugent told Political Insider from his Texas ranch. "When it gets right down to it, I would make a great governor because I would bring in my machete and hack away at the waste and the cronyism."

Known for his ardent defense of hunting and conservation and support for gun ownership, Nugent's fans say he'd shake things up:

The former AMBOY DUKES and DAMN YANKEES guitarist, who spends part of the year on the 1,100 acres he owns in Jackson and Lake counties, said his home state's economy is in the pits due to the high-spending ways of left-wing liberals.

"It breaks the hearts of Michiganians, we are heartbroken," Nugent told Insider. "That's why (people) have now plummeted to the outrageous choice of the Motor City Madman" for governor.

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