OZZY OSBOURNE On I Am Ozzy - " I'm Just Tellling My Story - You Might Not Be As Lucky As Me"

February 19, 2010, 14 years ago

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SignOnSanDiego.com has issued an interview with OZZY OSBOURNE, conducted by George Varga. The following is an excerpt:

Q: There are so many stories about you, some of them true, some not, some funny, some tragic.

A: “I didn’t invent any of this stuff in the book. It’s what really happened, the truth. I didn’t want it to be ‘woe is me.’... It’s a human story.”

Q: Did you want there to be any lessons in your book for young people?

A: “I’m just telling my story — you might not be as lucky as me. If that’s what they get out of it, fine. I’m not trying to preach.”

Read the full interview at SignOnSanDiego.com.

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