AMBERIAN DAWN - Professional Opera Singer MARKUS NIEMINEN To Appear On Next Album

February 26, 2010, 14 years ago

hot flashes news markus nieminen amberian dawn

Finland's AMBERIAN DAWN have issued the following update:

"We are proud to announce that professional opera singer, baritone MARKUS NIEMINEN (pictured) is going to (appear) on our next album. Markus has been singing for the Vienna State Opera, Hamburg State Opera, Sempreoper in Dresden, opera houses in Basil and St. Gallen and in Volksopera, Vienna.

Amberian Dawn likes to experiment with different kinds of styles of music. So, on the next album, there's going to be one classical piece (a walz) on which Heidi's going to duet with Markus. We are expecting the most special and stunning song so far."

As previously reported, the classically trained female fronted outfit is in the midst of preparing their third album, yet bassist Tommi Kuri allowed a new fangled listening session to four unfinished (but definitely Finnish!) tracks.

His Nokia cell phone serving as a wireless playback device for a set of old school, over the ears headphones, the Industry day of the Helsinki Metal Meeting drowned out, without the inconvenience of electrical chords.

While in the past the band had taken great care in distancing themselves from the original countrymen (and women) who pioneered the operatic singer and symphonically tinged format, a couple of these latest ideas embrace that heritage.

Apparently the days of Tarja Turunen fronting NIGHTWISH are enough in the past to warrant any unwanted publicity and there's no one on the horizon of the caliber of Heidi Parviainen. That's not to say that everything heard can be dismissed as a clone, far from it, as the second track (still no definitive titles) was amongst the most aggressive in the young band's repertoire. One was only an instrumental, awaiting vocals. Looking forward to hearing the whole thing!

Watch for more information about this upcoming release.

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