STORMLORD Part Ways With Guitarist, Announce Replacement

March 1, 2010, 14 years ago

hot flashes news stormlord

Italian extreme epic metal act STORMLORD have issued the following update:

"First of all, we want you to know that we parted ways with our mate Pierangelo Giglioni (rhytyhm guitars) and we wish him the best luck for the future. The replacement was found in Andrea Angelini, an old friend of Stormlord: we know him since a long time, we like his bands (STICK IT OUT and WITHATE) and we already had a sort of collaboration back in 2002, on Francesco (Bucci – bass) and David (Folchitto – drums) side-project, OUTBREAK. Andrea has been on stage with us for more that a year now, he is highly motivated and ready to measure his talent with some new Stormlord music.

Talking about that, after almost two years of touring promotion for Mare Nostrum, we’re about to stop the live activity for a while. The response to our 2008’s album has been outstanding and we had the chance to perform a lot of concerts in Europe and even in Africa. Now it’s time for us to work harder on the new songs, that’s why we’re gonna play four last shows before to dig ourselves in the rehearsal room in order to complete the songwriting for our fifth album.

The stuff we already have sounds damn’ good: innovative yet loyal to the epic Mediterranean style of Mare Nostrum. We hope to enter the recording studio between the end of this year and the beginning of 2011.

In the meanwhile, we want to keep in touch with all the people interested in Stormlord, that’s why we’ve opened an official Stormlord profile on Twitter that we will keep updated not only with news about the band, but even with personal feedbacks from the band’s members.

Moreover, we’ve posted on MySpace (where you can find also some music for your listening pleasure) more than 700 pics spanning our entire career, a kind of visual anthology of our last 20 years spent with you.

To get more infos about official merchandising and how to find Stormlord on Facebook, YouTube, LastFM or in the official forum, just surf to"

Further information, including the band's live itinerary, at this location.

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