OBITUARY Check In From Europe; Tour Photos Available

March 7, 2010, 14 years ago

hot flashes news obituary

Tampa-based death metal legends OBITUARY hav checked in with the following road update:

"We are in Birmingham, England for our first of five shows in the UK (counting one in Scotland). This has to be the most shows we have played here in a long time. It seems like we always come over for one show, so it is nice to have several in a row!

Last night in Belgium was awesome! It was a Hard Core and Metal Festival and I think it went really good. 12 hours of music may have been a little much for most people, me included, but it was a good show!

UK you have plenty of shows to choose from, so I hope you can make it out to a couple of them!"

Check out tour photos this location.

Obituary's live schedule can be viewed at this location.

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