JIMI HENDRIX Statue Stays Put In Seattle

March 13, 2010, 14 years ago

news rock hard jimi hendrix

Lauren P. from Capitolhillseattle.com is reporting:

When Janie Hendrix and The Friends Of JIMI HENDRIX Park began developing plans for the project at 2400 S. Massachusetts St., there was a lot of debate about whether or not the iconic statue on the corner Broadway Ave. should be relocated.

The debate is over. Jimi isn't leaving Broadway.

Hendrix said she discussed the issue at length with Michael Malone, the owner of the statue and the building on the corner of Broadway and Pine that had been home to Everyday Music and will soon be home to Blick Art Supplies.

"We've realized that Capitol Hill doesn't want to lose the statue," said Hendrix. Hendrix, CEO and president of Experience Hendrix LLC, is currently on tour with a 19-city tribute concert series.

Read more here.

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