NIGHTFALL Keyboardist Issues Studio Update

March 18, 2010, 14 years ago

hot flashes news nightfall

Reformed Greek metallers NIGHTFALL have issued the following studio update from keyboardist Stathis Kassios regarding their upcoming album, Astron Black & The Thirty Tyrants:

"The timing felt right to end my long lasting relationship with previous sequencers and move on with confidence (thanks also goes to Chris “Rektor” Ntaskas) to Digidesign’s Pro Tools and lay down the keyboards for Astron Black.. album.

The first steps before jumping to the high speed Pro Tools train and its innovative built - in top - notch plug ins, were a bit uncertain as the use of my previous synth sounds of Novation KS - Rack did not quite satisfy the panorama of Efthimis goal for this album and a short period of intense discussions and almost Tyrannical guidance followed, which finally turned out highly creative.

The existential question always haunts keyboard players playing Metal music “How do I fit here?” started troubling my mind, demanding for immediate planning; having a “strategy” as a recording artist is like investing with the least risk taken and expecting the best result. So did I. In respect to the work done by previous keyboard players of the band and to the demands of Nightfall’s diverse and unique music, I had to spend time, a hell of a time actually, and artsy nights listening to the pre - produced guitar tracks recorded by Evan, while trying to figure out the best approach that would carefully follow there after as regard to the use of the sounds and orchestration throughout this prominent album.

Endlessly listening to the tracks over and over again, reading the lyrics so to add tension in certain phrases, and of course testing (running through different sound libraries checking different plug ins, previewing samples, recording, deleting, recording again and so on) was the method and the hell of mine altogether. All these steps constituting the well known delicate inevitable marathon of a Ravel inspired musician trying to fit his personal colors in a heavy metal album of aggressive guitars, dynamic drum playing and thick layered vocals.

The process started to flourish after quite some time and effort and the results pointed to an epic direction. The overall sounding of the keyboards add to the pomposity of the production without becoming annoying or too much for a heavy metal act. Don’t expect virtuoso stuff but subordinate action at its best. Sometimes the outcome is like listening to a really heavy album and at the same time watching a battle documentary on tv with sounds from both ends landing in your brain; totally mind flashing and picturesque!

Now that I can listen to the final keyboard tracks I feel glad that I enjoyed the trip as much as I am enjoying the outcome. Fragile balance has been achieved and it will be there for the listener to explore in the… Astron Black & The Thirty Tyrants!"

Stay tuned for further updates. More on Nightfall at this location.

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