JEFF BECK Schedules Rockline Appearance; Talks About JIMI HENDRIX In New Interview

March 31, 2010, 14 years ago

news rock hard jimi hendrix jeff beck

Guitar legend JEFF BECK will guest on the US nationally syndicated radio show Rockline, with host Bob Coburn, on Wednesday, May 26th at 8:30 PM (PT) / 11:30 PM (ET). Fans are encouraged to speak with the band by calling 1-800-344-ROCK (7625).

For a station near you and for information regarding how to log onto the internet for the broadcast go to

Beck spoke with recently in a rare interview.

In an excerpt, he explains that the one guitarist who has really put him off his stride is JIMI HENDRIX. “The thing I noticed when I saw him was not only his amazing blues but his physical assault on the guitar. His actions were all of one accord, an explosive package. Me, ERIC (CLAPTON) and JIMMY (PAGE), we were cursed because we were from Surrey. We all looked like we’d walked out of a Burton’s shop window. There was Jimi with his military jacket, his hair about 14 feet in the air, playing with his teeth. We would have loved to have done that. He hit me like an earthquake when he arrived. I had to think long and hard about what I did next. The wounds were quite deep, actually, and I had to lick them on my own. I was constantly looking for other things to do on the guitar, new places to take it. I’ve got to feel that this is mine. If I don’t feel special, I don’t do it.”

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