SEVENTH ANGEL Issue Fear Dark Festival Tour Blog Entry

April 7, 2010, 14 years ago

hot flashes news seventh angel

Reformed UK thrash/doom/death metallers SEVENTH ANGEL have issued the following tour blog entry from associate Nick Bolton:

"Saturday March 20th – Day 2: Germany

In which we drink weak Dutch tea and lose the keys to our accommodation...

After a shower, for breakfast we were treated to a selection of breads, meats and cheeses as well as coffee and weak tea. The tea was apparently an English blend, although like nothing we had ever come across in England and was served in glass mugs. For the benefit of our Dutch hosts Ian provided a demonstration of the correct colour of English Tea, but the orange brew was universally declared to be disgusting and undrinkable.

Arriving at the German venue, Gleis 3 in Neckasulm, the crowd was larger but noticeably younger than on the previous night. A number of bands were on the bill here: ACROMONIA, OLDEN, DARK LETTER, CIRCLE OF SILENCE, RANDOM EYES, THE NEW BLACK and POWERWOLF.

Both Randon Eyes and Seventh Angel had to slightly shorten their sets to accommodate Powerwolf, who had made an unpopular late decision to play in an earlier slot than the one that had been arranged for them. One of the unfortunate consequences of being forced to adjust to the earlier timings was that a group of Seventh Angel fans, although arriving in good time, only managed to catch the last two songs - which this evening were: 'In Ruins' and 'Woken By Silence'.

Strangely the beer in the band area soon ran out, although unlimited free beer and sausages were available from the bar for the rest of the night. A great backstage cold buffet was proved but the hot food seemed to consist of large pale ravioli parcels (possibly pig based) boiled in an urn. The tea wasn’t great either.

As the first two gigs had gone well for both Seventh Angel and Random Eyes, people began to relax more and an earlier finish left more time for drinking. After gig celebrations continued for some time and were extended longer than expected as the keys to our accommodation had been lost. It was some time before a replacement key could be obtained. To pass the time Tank threw some beer over Si, Christian climbed and sang from a lamppost, Mark chased a rat under a car and various wrestling, running about and shouting took place.

Eventually we drove to a set of rooms with some low canvas “beds” that vaguely resembled sunbeds. Unfortunately no bedding was provided, which made sleeping difficult. What added to the challenge of sleeping in the cold on a sunbed was laying next to Ian who was snoring; also the other 3 band members held an in depth theological debate until around 4 AM."

Stay tuned for further blog entries. More on Seventh Angel at this location.

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