OBSCURA/PESTILENCE Bassist Jeroen Paul Thesseling Offering Bass Guitar Lessons In Europe
April 15, 2010, 14 years ago
Jeroen Paul Thesseling (OBSCURA, PESTILENCE) is offering bass guitar lessons in Europe. Thesseling, who is known for his signature six-string fretless playing in progressive death metal, is offering private bass lessons and personal coaching in metal and other styles.
Thesseling comments: "These lessons are suitable for bass players of all levels who want to get more out of their instrument. Many bassists in metal and other genres concentrate primarily on playing techniques, while there's often more that could be developed. The main focus, therefore, will be on intonation, tone development, bass arrangements and fretless playing.”
The lessons will be given in Amsterdam, the Netherlands, as well as in Genoa, Italy. Interested parties can contact Thesseling via his official website: Jeroenthesseling.com.