PROTEST THE HERO Guitarist To Co-Host The Crunos - "An Award Show For The Hard Working Crew Members"

April 15, 2010, 14 years ago

hot flashes news protest the hero

Whitby, Ontario based hardcore/progressive outfit PROTEST THE HERO have issued the following update:

"Jason Parsons aka Human Kebab from USS and Tim Millar (guitars) from PROTEST THE HERO are planning to host the Crunos: an award show for the hard working crew members. It will take place during the Junos in St. John's, Newfoundland (April 18th). The idea is to bring recognition to the people behind the scenes, who work hard (sometimes harder than the band) and get little to no recognition. Without these people the artist would not be able to pull off all the amazing things that happen at the live shows, in the recording studio and everywhere else; so it is time they are recognized. Please submit nominees and stories to> as to why you think they should be awarded and recognized. Categories will be made up from submissions because we aren't capable of figuring out who deserves it and every band has different people working for them. Also, if you're in a band and work also as a manager, promoter, booking agent, producer etc. you can nominate yourself.

The show is a free show, but at the door there will be a price on how much it has cost to put on the show, people are encouraged to contribute, but we don't want to turn anyone away for not having the money to get in. The bands will be selling merchandise at reasonable prices so why not save your money for that? Everyone is encouraged to bring cds and band tshirts to trade amongst each other. Human Kebab and Tim will be headlining playing whatever they want but we are also having Over The Top, Weapon and I Was A Skywalker playing to support local music with the awards being presented between change overs.

How many Newfie artists are up for a Juno? Hopefully with a little networking we can bring some juno artists to the show and have an open jam as the encore to celebrate all the great Canadian talent, but let's not get too ahead of ourselves. The show is first come first serve with no guestlist!!!! so if you want to be there, show up. Once it's reached capacity we will have to turn you away, or you will have to wait until someone leaves.

See you there."

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