THOR Forced To Cancel London Show Due To Icelandic Volcano

April 19, 2010, 14 years ago

hot flashes news thor

According to, THOR’s gig tonight (April 19) at The Gaff in London has been cancelled.

This is due to the ongoing problems caused by volcanic ash in British airspace and the muscle-bound metaller was unable to get a flight out of Canada.

Says Thor himself: “This is emotionally a tough one for myself and the band as we looked so forward to meeting you and to perform in London once again. I am deeply saddened by being unable to travel, because of a force beyond my control. It’s very frustrating. I still would like to do something in the future, but I will need to recover from this devastating incident.”

This show was going to serve as the European CD Release Party for the 25th Anniversary of Only The Strong, out now via Ektro Records.

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