BOB DAISLEY Speaks Out In Regards To RANDY RHOADS Documentary

April 26, 2010, 14 years ago

hot flashes news randy rhoads bob daisley

The Webmaster for legendary bassist Bob Daisley (OZZY OSBOURNE, RAINBOW, BLACK SABBATH, URIAH HEEP) has issued the following:

"Bob has received several messages via his website, MySpace and Facebook pages regarding insulting comments written on a Facebook page by Peter Margolis, the director of a film about RANDY RHOADS. The comments were recently removed but not before they were circulated and discussed on various forums by fans wanting to know what happened between Bob and the filmmaker to prompt such animosity.

The following comments were made by Peter Margolis:

"I interviewed 2 people in Australia. One of them was one of the worst human beings that I have ever encountered in my years on this planet. The other was Scott Shelly, who was possibly the nicest person that I interviewed for the film."

When asked if Bob and Lee were going to appear in the Randy Rhoads documentary Margolis wrote: "I interviewed both Lee and Bob. Lee in England and Bob in Australia Lee was a really great guy. Does that answer your question?"

He was then asked: "Peter, I hope Bob wasn’t the other person you were talking about , when you stated that Scott Shelly was perhaps the nicest person you had ever met?"

To which Margolis replied: "I met some of the greatest human beings while shooting this movie, and some of the worst. People that don’t deserve to occupy space on the same planet that we all reside on. That is all I will say on the subject until the film comes out."

If the rumours are true, we may be in for a long wait to hear more ‘on the subject’ from Margolis. Fortunately, Bob has agreed to speak out and tell us exactly what went on during his involvement with the makers of the Randy Rhoads Documentary."

An excerpt from Bob's message reads:

"In 2007 I was contacted by Peter Margolis requesting that at some stage I be interviewed for a film being made by Dakota Films about the life and times of Randy Rhoads. I forwarded the email to my manager, Drew Thompson and replied to Margolis's email saying that I would consider the proposal without saying that I would or wouldn't get involved. Drew Thompson in turn contacted Margolis as well, but because nothing immediate was to take place, he said we'd wait to hear back from them. Drew never did hear back from Margolis or anyone else. Kevin DuBrow (Quiet Riot) also contacted me via email with regard to the film. He warned me against getting involved with Margolis et al and told me that he was having nothing to do with any of them and that he thought the whole thing would be a fiasco. Kevin seemed to know more about Margolis and his cronies than anyone else I knew but unfortunately, I didn't get to ask him much more because by the time I'd had further contact with them, sadly, Kevin had died.

I agreed to talk to an affiliate of Margolis's called Andrew Klein on the phone about the possibility of me appearing in the film and eventually told him that I'd do a filmed interview which could be used in their movie. Being filmed isn't one of my favourite things, I did that really for the sake of Randy's story and to at least get some 'truth' out there in the public arena. I had many long 'phone conversations with Klein and relayed a lot of valuable information regarding many Randy-related topics such as the recording of 'Blizzard' and 'Diary', Ridge Farm Studios, dates and events, the Osbournes, my personal rapport with Randy, the record company and management and various other anecdotes too involved to list here. I spent many hours giving them free information to help make Randy's story complete."

Read Bob's full statement at this location.

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