EXODUS' Gary Holt Issues More New Song Commentary; Live Q&A Announced

May 3, 2010, 14 years ago

hot flashes news exodus

In the third of four installments revealing the back-stories to the tracks on the upcoming EXODUS album, guitarist / songwriter Gary Holt offers additional commentary on the songs that will appear on the band’s new album, Exhibit B: The Human Condition, set for release in Europe on May 7th and in North America on May 18th.

'Democide' : “Rob [Dukes, lead vocalist] wrote these about government sanctioned genocide. The word ‘democide’ comes from the political scientist R. J. Rummel.”

'The Sun Is My Destroyer': “This is one everybody thinks is about vampires, but it's really based on my persistent nightmares. Unlike most people, I love a good nightmare, it makes me feel alive when it's over. Peter Tägtgren from HYPOCRISY contributed the backgrounds to it for us, and it sounds killer.”

'A PerpetualState Of Indifference': “An instrumental, the title refers to what I view as the mindset of most people in the world today, and how we are indifferent to everything that is happening around us.”

Regarding his guest vocal appearance on 'The Sun Is My Destroyer', Peter Tägtgren states: “I’m proud to be on a Exodus album, finally. Even if I’m just farting on it or screaming... All I remember is that this was a killer song, and you know Exodus always delivers the goods.”

Exhibit B: The Human Conditionwas recorded this past December in Northern California with producer Andy Sneap.

Exodus will play two album release shows with Heathen in Los Angeles and San Francisco before heading out to Europe for the festival circuit:


11 - Los Angeles, CA - Key Club (with HEATHEN, BONDED BY BLOOD, more)
12 - San Francisco, CA - Slim's (with Heathen, ANVIL CHORUS, PASSIVE AGGRESSIVE)

Gary Holt will host a live Q&A; session on Ustream on Friday, May 7th at 1 PM (Pacific) / 3 PM (Eastern) / 10 PM (CET). Fans can RSVP for the chat here or post questions via the band’s MySpace page or Facebook page.

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