BIF NAKED Confirmed As Guest Speaker At Vancouver's Breast Cancer Foundation Annual Awareness Day; Tickets Available

May 4, 2010, 14 years ago

news rock hard bif naked

Canadian rocker Bif Naked has checked in with the following update:

"Namaste, Hola, Bonjour, Salaam, Sussreekall and a HighHowdyDoo to everyone! Happy Cinquo de Mayo, and wishing huge love and blessings to everyone as we celebrate Mexican heritage and pride. Viva Mexico! This week will be ripe with many celebrations and, of course, we will be with you in spirit..wishing we were in Playa del Carmen, again. LOL!

This week will also see another blesed celebration, in Vancouver, called Awareness Day and it's for The Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation’s Annual Awareness Day , to be exact! Aaaaaaaaannd…. I am speaking at it! (nervous sweating commences).

The Awareness Day Lunch this week (May 6th at The Fairmont Hotel Vancouver, BC Ballroom, 12:00pm) will be the first time the Awareness Day event will be held in the spring (a time of new beginnings). This will be the start of a new tradition for the Canadian Breast Cancer Foundtion, BC/Yukon Region. Previously, the Awareness Day event was held in October, during Breast Cancer Awareness Month.

I was at the last Awareness Day event when it was held in October of 2008. I was juuuuust finishing radiation, and was in the middle of herceptin infusions, embarking on those daily fragmin injections (for that naughty bloodclot / bambaclat that STILL bugs me with its continuing existence. Sheesh! I think I wore bright blue pantyhose to hide my migrating staph-infection rash (!!!), and my hair was monk-short, just growing back from chemo.

WOW! Seems like suuuuch a long time ago! And now I am speaking at this! At a real podium and everything!!! I could neverever have dreamed this. I am so very humbled and honored. Can you believe it? Little moi? Speaking at it?

I am veryveryveryvery excited to be involved with this. Just tickled. In love with the whole thing. I wish I could just teach everyone a yoga class but there isn't enough time (lol) and they have asked me to share a bit of my own story. I would also love to do an interpretive dance but, alas……time limits, and all.. hahaha!

So, my LovelyBeatifulFriends, I encourage you to explore further and tickets and information are listed here.

Dr. Paula Gordon will also be giving a presentation. She chairs the Foundation’s 2020 Early Detection Working Group, one of five teams of experts tackling breast cancer issues across the areas of prevention,early detection, treatment, research and health care workers in a drive to realize a future without breast cancer by 2020. Amen! There will also be an online auction, great raffle prizes (travel, fitness, jewelry, etc.), door prizes, and a 50/50 draw.

I would love to try out my Don Rickles routine on everyone, but that may not fit into the alloted timeframe. I am truly blessed to be included in this event, and just couldnt wait to tell you about it, and let you know there are still tickets available. (But, they are going fast)

I am nervous but thrilled, and hope to see you there. I will do what I do……which is Speak my Truth. :) And, the truth is, I am just happy to be. Here. Now. And happy that you are reading this. Thank you for that. I am sending all of you huge hugs and positivity for the week, and of course, Infinite Love from my heart."




Bif recently updated her schedule with two Alberta shows in July, in Bonnyville and Minnedosa respectively. It is now as follows:


29 - Kamloops Convention Centre - Kamloops, British Columbia


18 - Nakusp Music Fest - Nakusp, British Columbia
23 - Flint Field House - Bonnyville, Alberta
31 - Rockin’ the Fields - Minnedosa, Alberta

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