MOONSORROW Guitarist Mitja Harvilahti - "We Are Not Nazis; We Hate Nazis, Racism And Everything That Destroys Humanity"

May 5, 2010, 14 years ago

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Metal Assault caught up with MOONSORROW guitarist Mitja Harvilahti on April 25th at the House of Blues in Hollywood, CA. Interview topics included touring with FINNTROLL, writing and playing 25-minute songs, the term "epic heathen metal", the band's grindcore side project, past troubles in Germany, being successful despite having Finnish lyrics, old demos and upcoming plans. Check out an excerpt below.

Q: In Germany you guys got into political trouble in the past, being accused as Nazis and things like that. Do you think they've moved on from that and you are able to play gigs over there as you normally would?

Mitja: "We always played gigs as normal and it didn't really affect us. But it was very bad publicity because it was complete bullshit. We are not Nazis, we hate Nazis, racism and everything that destroys humanity. So it was very unfortunate. The thing was, it was only one guy behind it all. That says something about the power of internet, magazines and press. If one guy can tell a lie about bands and people, it will be released in every major newspaper in Germany. We had to come out in their media and say that this was all bullshit but it was very sad. I don't think I've ever been as angry at anybody as I was when somebody accused me of being Nazi."

Q: You guys write lyrics in Finnish. Do you think that aspect makes it harder in the US because no body can sing along?

Mitja: "Well, I don't find it hard because I'm used to it. We play so much abroad that people hardly ever can know our lyrics. So it doesn't really matter. But I'm really surprised that so many people like us in America and abroad as well. We only sing in Finnish and if people are able to adapt to our style and still like the music, that's kind of an achievement. I'm very proud of it."

Go to this location for the complete interview.

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