TRIVIUM’s Matt Heafy - Gear Nerd Part 2 Interview Available

May 13, 2010, 14 years ago

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Part 2 of the Gear Nerd interview with TRIVIUM’s Matt Heafy has been posted online.

In this second part of the interview, Heafy talks about his playing style, how he writes solos, his various endorsements and his ultimate set-up. Excerpts from the interview are below:

Roadrunner UK: So how would you describe your playing style? What would you say is the Matt Heafy playing style?

Heafy: “That’s something that we’re finding out more and more now, you know what really is each of us in the band. So when we do this next record it’s going to be more accurate of what we are. I think a huge thing with my guitar playing is, I guess, that fusion between melodic death metal and metal and utilizing thrash picking- thrash right hand but not thrash left hand. I’m not really a thrash left hand person where it would be chromatic power chords thrown all over the fret board, but more calculated about good melodies happening with the left hand with an approach of like thrash metal on the right hand, I guess. So, the left hand that’s death metal that’s inspired by bands like IRON MAIDEN, JUDAS PRIEST with the right hand inspired by bands like SLAYER and PANTERA. I guess with more recent bands being like DEATH, like the right hand approach of Death with the left hand approach of old school IN FLAMES or AT THE GATES or something. I guess that’s melodic and catchy and to be able to sound like a song with one guitar player- that’s how I try to write rhythms and my leads? I definitely recognize I’m a better melodic solo player than a shreddy dude. I leave all that shit to Corey [Bealieu]. Even though I can do some of it, so I do some of it sometimes.”

Roadrunner UK: When you are putting it together are there key elements that you look for in a solo that you try and insert into them?

Heafy: “Yeah, to have to be able to be identifiable by itself. There are so many dudes that can play six billion notes a second but it’s very hard to pick out who that is, who that guitar player is. I mean if you want to think modern guys like Mike Amott (ARCH ENEMY) you always know it’s him. With me, if I hear a solo from Mike Amott of Arch Enemy I always know it’s his playing- little things like the subtle phaser on his solo and the occasional wah and really big open melodies. I feel like I’m finding more and more what my solo style is. It’s that kind of incorporation of I guess blues / old school heavy metal based soloing but with the occasional like [John] Petrucci-esque [of DREAM THEATER] sextuplet type run type thing.”

Roadrunner UK: So tell us about your endorsers, you’ve had a few over the years. Who have you been endorsed by?

Heafy: "I am full on now 100% representing Gibson guitars for the Les Paul Customs, Explorers, their 7-string Explorers and SG300 acoustics, which I don’t do live obviously. Marshall, I use JVM210H through a 1960 BB cab. So Gibson, Marshall, Dunlop for strings, picks, accessories, straps, strap locks and EMG pick ups…and I believe that’s it. And my rig nowadays is just my guitar into a head that goes straight into the PA so I don’t actually use a cab or mic or anything, I use no pedals, no channel switching, nothing- just a guitar and one channel."

To read the full interview go here.

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