May 18, 2010, 14 years ago

hot flashes news ninth circle hades ronnie james dio

HADES vocalist Dan Lorenzo and NINTH CIRCLE have issued the following messages paying tribute to vocalist RONNIE JAMES DIO, who passed away on May 16th at the age of 67 after losing his battle with stomach cancer:

HADES' Dan Lorenzo - "Ronnie James Dio has been a huge influence on me as a singer since the 80s' when I began to sing in metal bands. Since those days, I've been lucky enough to interview many artists (for Steppin' Out Magazine) that have influenced me, but I never had the chance to interview Dio. Of course, when you are in the interviewer's seat though, the interviewee often shows you their best side. By pure chance, I bumped into Mr. Dio in the Garden State Plaza Mall in Paramus, N.J. back in the mid-80s. I was on my lunch break and saw him and an immense body guard shopping at The Wild Pair boot store. I recall approaching him and saying something stupid like, 'Ronnie - I just want to say – you are like a god to me!' Pretty silly I know, but he was a class act gentleman and thanked me for being a fan. It was amazing to meet him in such an environment and have him be so damn friendly and just plain cool. I think I was in a state of shock for the whole week after that....

The world darkens further with the passing of such an icon. Rest In Peace Ronnie."

NINTH CIRCLE - “The world has lost a legend and heavy metal lost it's king. It is with heavy hearts that we remember this metal giant that has influenced so many. Ronnie James Dio had a profound influence on the music of Ninth Circle. Because of Ronnie's influence, Ninth Circle has developed in such a way over the years, lyrically and musically that ties directly to him. He always had a way to paint a terrific picture with his words - and it matched up so powerfully with the music and his voice. He was one of the world’s greatest vocalist, songwriters and performers. He will be missed."

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