WATAIN's Erik Danielsson - "We Have A Legacy To Uphold"

May 20, 2010, 14 years ago

news life in black watain

WATAIN's Erik Danielsson recently spoke to Hellbound's Justin M. Norton about the band's upcoming release, Lawless Darkness. Excerpts follow:

Q: When did you first get interested in metal and then black metal? What drew you to the music when you were younger?

A: "This kind of music attracts people that want to explore the dark , the kinds of things within that want to have an outlet and want to be manifested in reality, in your life. Black metal is one way of letting this side manifest."

Q: Did you always envision that you would start a band?

A: "No. I had far too much respect for what I heard to think I could do it myself. I deeply admired people who played such things and didn’t think I was capable of such things. That’s a way of looking at black metal that has been lost to this generation."

Q: Can you tell me about the title Lawless Darkness?

A: "It’s an expression about liberating all bonds. To question everything around you, to break down all barriers that are around you. Some call it salvation and others liberation. Lawlessness can mean liberation."

Q: The promotions for the album say that “black metal will be reborn.” Do you feel that black metal in general has been lacking in spirit and execution?

A: "That’s a leading question, right? (laughs). Just look around you. Look at the beginning with VENOM and BATHORY and what the old-school artists did. It’s amazing compared to what is being done these days. It could have been so much greater than this constant stream of repetition and boredom. Is that really the result of the great work of these old masters? That’s what we’re here to prove. We have a legacy to uphold. It’s time to take back what’s ours and show people this is how it’s meant to be, this is how it should be done. Enough playing around, enough fooling around. We’re tired of it. Let’s do something real and take this a step further. It’s a bit sad. The scene is proudly worn on t-shirts. But people are doing nothing."

Read the entire story at this location.

Watain will release their fourth album, Lawless Darkness, on June 7th via Season Of Mist. The album will feature the following tracklisting:

'Death's Cold Dark'


'Reaping Death'

'Four Thrones'

'Wolves Curse'

'Lawless Darkness'

'Total Funeral'

'Hymn To Qayin'

'Kiss Of Death'

'Waters Of Ain'

The Digipak version will include the DEATH SS cover 'Chains Of Death' as a bonus track. The song can also be heard on the 'Reaping Death' picture 7" single, due April 30th and available for pre-order on Season of Mist's e-shop.

Frontman E. comments on the cover artwork: "The main cover of Lawless Darkness depicts the legions of the Antichrist, released and untamed from the broken tablets of law. By the shattering of order and the collapse of the laws of the creator god, the free spirits of lawless darkness shall return to the abode of their ancient gods, and unite with them once again. The artist behind this amazing painting as well as the additional artwork for the album goes by the name of Zbigniew Bielak, a well kept secret in the world of metal. His flawless detail and all-devouring capacity suits us perfectly, a match made in hell indeed."

In other news, the release show for Lawless Darkness will be held in London, UK on June 5th, as a part of the spectacular ArmageddoN festival, gathering the elite of today's black and death metal cults.

The following incredible lineup has been assembled for that day: VON, WATAIN, THE DEVIL'S BLOOD, AZARATH, NECRO RITUAL, SACRILEGIOUS IMPALEMENT.

On June 4th, the following bands are scheduled to appear: NIFELHEIM, REPUGNANT, VOMITOR, CRAVEN IDOL, FUNERAL THRONE.

The ArmageddoN festival takes place on June 4th and 5th 2010 at Relentless Garage in London, UK. Tickets will be available in advance on www.ticketweb.co.uk.

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