MADMEN & SINNERS Founder Tim Donahue Unveils Signature Harp Guitar - "I Needed A Guitar That Had Yet To Be Invented..."

May 22, 2010, 14 years ago

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Fretless harp guitarist Tim Donahue, known in metal circles for his MADMEN & SINNERS album from 2004 featuring DREAM THEATER vocalist James LaBrie, has unveiled his official signature harp guitar. He has issued the following update:

It's been over 25 years since I designed and built my first electric fretless harp guitars in Tokyo, Japan. During the development of those instruments I had a feeling I was onto something new, because fretless guitar and electric harp guitar were both unheard of at that time. But I had no idea of how much impact those harp guitars would ultimately have on my work and success as a recording artist. I could not imagine how my music would be forever changed and so warmly received by other guitarists and fans around the world.

Initially, integrating fretless guitar and electric harp into a well balanced, visually appealing design was something I did because I couldn't find my dream instrument in a guitar shop. Playability and a killer tone were important factors in the harp guitars' development, but the driving force was a desire to recreate the music I was hearing in my head. I needed a guitar that had yet to be invented...

Then, upon completion of harp guitar #1 in '84 and harp guitar #2 in '85, I came across a totally new playing technique that opened up all kinds of musical possibilities for me. This intricately complex, independent left/right hand approach developed rapidly, and the resulting music would soon become my trademark on countless albums, TV and film work, and an endless variety of other recordings. The performance of 'Norwegian Wood' on NHK-TV Japan (see below) is a good example of the sound I was going after in my early harp guitars.

My first harp guitars also opened up new live performance possibilities, and because of that I've been fortunate to enjoy a performing career on stages around the world. Today, when recording or playing live, I still discover new things about this instrument and have yet to realize its full potential. The harp guitars have stood the test of time, yet they continue to evolve. Part of this evolution is the fretted version, which has opened up another musical world for me and is now my main guitar.

In short, the direction of my career has been shaped by having developed and exclusively played those harp guitars I created back in '84. Over the years I've been asked many times by guitarists how they too could get my instrument. Each time I've had to respond that they were not yet available. Until now!"

Donahue has launched an officiual webpage for his line of harp guitars. It is still under construction but can be viewed here. His harp guitar specs can be found here.

Donahue recently contacted BW&BK; with an exclusive update on his new project, currently going under the name TIM DONAHUE'S ECLIPSE:

"I'll be planning an album towards the end of the year. That said, recording the new material is quite easy, there is no more laboring over this and that as I did before, trying to get a decent sound. But before we record a bonafide album, Eclipse will be making some promo vids. I'm so long overdue for an updated vid!

The new music is killing me, the main reason being, I've gone head first into the harp guitar thing, collaboratng with an amazing drummer, Akira Yamazaki. It has finally come together, just the two of us performing everything in real time. It took this long to find the formula but it was worth it. Akira plays like no one I've ever played with. He's so into the new music, it's a situation I could only dream about in the past.

This is a live recording of Eclipse, with no MIDI sequencing or additional musicians, just harp guitar with drums.

Anyway, there will soon be more concert dates and updates on my website."

As previously reported, Donahue has launched an official Facebook page featuring several audio samples from Eclipse and video footage from a fretless guitar clinic. Check out all the material at this location. You do not require a Facebook account to view.

Donahue is featured in a three minute NBC news segment showcasing his harp guitar, available below, aired in 2008.

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