Dutch Doom Days Festival - HOODED MENACE, DESIRE, EVADNE, FALL OF THE IDOLS, IRON HEARSE First Bands Confirmed

May 23, 2010, 14 years ago

desire evadne hooded menace hot flashes iron hearse fall of the idols news

The first five bands for the Dutch Doom Days festival have been announced and are as follows: HOODED MENACE, DESIRE, EVADNE, FALL OF THE IDOLS and IRON HEARSE.

The festival - presenting a nice blend of new talent and doom veterans as well as a good mixture of the different styles in the doom genre - will take place on November 6th and 7th at De Baroeg in Rotterdam, Netherlands.

Former organizer of the festival Pim Blankenstein comments: “The first announced bands for this year’s edition of the longest running doom festival in the world are again absolutely great. Doom metal is one of the genres with the largest variation of styles and again the festival will present every sub-genre the best way possible. Highlights so far are Hooded Menace’s first steps on Dutch soil and the return of Desire from Portugal, one of the best bands to perform on the second edition in 2003. The first weekend of November will shake Rotterdam on the down-tuned sounds of doom!”

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