MY DYING BRIDE To Be Joined By Former Skinsman, AKERCOCKE Drummer On The Road This Summer

May 28, 2010, 14 years ago

hot flashes news akercocke my dying bride

UK doom legends MY DYING BRIDE have issued the following update:

"Back in January after our shows in Greece, Dan managed to sustain a knee injury which resulted in him having to take some time out from drumming.

Whilst it seems he is at the end of this break there is still some time needed to heal and recover in which he is unable to represent MDB on the throne of thunder this summer, although we may see a return before summer is out and most assuredly by the years end he/we figured it best not to rush into these shows and risk aggravating his injury causing problems for our entire stint of already confirmed dates and future l.p. writing and recording.

Rather than cancel the shows we felt it important to celebrate our 20th anniversary year, whilst Dan rests up we have drafted in a most talented sticksman in the form of Mr. David Grey of AKERCOCKE fame to fill in, whilst Shaun Winter Steels (yes ex-MDB Shaun) has been keeping the band in trim through some of the more sparser area's of rehearsals with David. So the band is in top gig form thanks to these two.

Rehearsals have been intense with both drummers particularly bringing David up to speed on the set ready for this summer, however the doom machine still turns and MDB are ready to bring you the quality you deserve.

As soon as Dan has the all clear we will let you all know, but for now a darkly miserable welcome to David and a heartily morose thank you to Shaun Winter Steels for pitching in when it really counted."

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